You can quickly repair that by creating a new household. Maybe of the household files got corrupt. If your current household got corrupt, you won’t be able to load your mods. Click on the game menu, select Game options, click on Other section and check these two boxes: Enable Custom Content and Mods and Script Mods Allowed Troubleshoot Sims 4 Mods Not Working Fix 1 – Create a new household Older mods created for previous Sims versions are not supported by the Sim 4. Use only updated mods that are compatible with The Sim 4.The household is corrupt and this prevents mods from loadingīased on some of the most common issues blocking mods, do the following:.The cache folder is corrupt the mods fail to load.The game fails to pick mod files due to update issues or the mods become outdated.The mods folder needs to be unzipped to work. The game engine cannot unzip the mod package every time you launch the game as this would require too much CPU power. Mods are disabled and they won’t load in the game engine.Some of the most common reasons why Sims 4 mods stop responding are the following: But sometimes Sims 4 mods may not work after installing the latest game updates. Mods are excellent tools that let Sims 4 players add more customization options than the clean version of the game.